Sunday 17 May 2009

Poetry In Motion's now the start of a 3 week break off College,
And, like many, I'm starting with good intention's,
I decided this morning to sort out a load of childhood things that had been up till now collecting dust.
Mostly old notebooks full of doodles that now seem meaningless, many introduction's to stories which remain unfinished, and some picture's of hedgehog's which I have since been told look like 'walking raisins'
Whilst looking through this collection I came across a folder of poem's I'd written, as that is how i spent a large part of rainy days, writing rhymes on our old Windows 98 PC.
The more I read, the more I laughed and thought 'What inspired me to do this?'
And so, I thought I'd share a few lines with the world wide web, writing them as I've found them....the spelling mistakes just add character,I am hoping they will make other people smile too.....

Taken from 'Polar Bear'
Ther fare is like soft cosuns gleming in the snow,
If somebody liked them the anser wold go no,
They dont eat pepol they just eat meat
And wold not fit in my car seat'

Taken from 'Confused Animals'
I saw my face starting to faid,
I thought I must be nearly dead,
I asked Mum "Am I nearly dead?",
She said "I've no time for you, ask girraffe instead"

Taken from 'Butterfly's'
No homework, no school
I think its really cool
No horrible food, beer to
I'de be a butterfly in my next life wouldnt you

Taken from 'A Pet'

Pet's are for life
They need some respect
If you feed guinea pig's salad
You'll be correct

Taken from - 'Percy and Frank'
(about a spider and grasshopper)
My cage is next to him
At night we have a talk and a bottle of gin

Taken from - 'The Snail's day' (co-written with Helen)
Slithering around night and day
This is one thing I'd like to say
I have guinea-pig's in a hutch
But I like snail's very much

Taken from 'The Tiger'
Skinning them, turning them into a hat
I like them better when there the big cat
People like to skin them just for fun
Selling them to mat's to everyone

Taken from - 'Skeleton'

Now he's found his family and they stay with me
Now I'm a ghost and I hate dead spiders you see
Put some iceing on, what a nice touch
And a cherry on top, what a nice munch
To drink you have old rain, it has to be 8 years old
Horrible horrible rain, it tastes like mold
So I drink cherry ade, it has to be 8
luckly you get 5 live's I can hardly wait!

Told you they were strange...

There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colours are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again. ~Elizabeth Lawrence

smile balloon Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday 20 April 2009

Sunshine and Photographs

However much I may find my Mum's organisational habits rather annoying and trivial,
I cannot thank her enough for the stacks of photo albums she has produced and maintained
Holidays, Birthdays, Weddings, Days out, or just funny moments.
They make me smile because they're there forever, and even if you cant remember what it felt to look like that or to be in that place. You can see it, and appreciate it.
Although photos cant bring people back, that you've lost or never met (I only wish they could)
It's comforting to have them there.
Anyway, enough nostalgia for now.
I am nearly through my first year of college, and by far the best time is now, when its spring and sunny :]
Everyone seems to gather on the park at breaks, it reminds me of a festival and its nice to feel part of something.
I love the summer clothes which are coming out; bright dresses, hats, puffy skirts and sunglasses.
The sun seems to make people smile more too, and that's always something to be pleased about. Since when did misery really get anyone anywhere?
....Lets end it with a good tune....

I listened to this today and it made me smile, good ol 'Paolo.
